''Let's Get It Crackin’'' - Deuce

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     When Los Angeles rap-rock band Hollywood Undead parted ways with singer/rapper Deuce, I was curious as to see if both parties would continue making great Musik. Actually, I was pretty sure they would. But saying I wasn’t sure kinda adds some extra importance to Deuce’s first Musik Video as a solo artist. Would he fade into obscurity without his former friends in Hollywood Undead?! Or would he soar to new and uncharted heights of awesomeness?!!

     “Let’s Get It Crackin’” is the first single off of Deuce’s debut solo album “Nine Lives.” For the most part, there’s not much to say in way of the lyrics, as it’s pretty much your standard boastful rap party song.

“Lets get it crackin, bottles
We back in town, we're so plastered
So meet her in the bathroom
She just turned eighteen, she calls me ‘baby’
’Cause she's been waitin’ all night to rape me”

     In short, Deuce is ready to drink, party, and get raped by a newly legal Schlampe.

     This is kind of a problem I have with rap Musik. So much of it is just the rapper talking about how great he is, and how much he loves partying. To be honest, I do like a lot of “crunk rap” songs, and I don’t mind hearing rappers bragging about how badass their lives are. It’s just that when everyone is doing the same thing, over and over, the topic gets boring, even when the Musik sounds good. Of course, some artists can do the same thing over and over, and still be fucken toll. Yes, I’m talking about The Millionaires.

     Deuce isn’t really a typical rapper, as “Nine Lives” actually does have songs that tackle deeper issues, such as the politically-charged “America,” and as well as “Walk Alone” and “Nobody Likes Me.” However, “Let’s Get It Crackin’” definitely isn’t one of those deeper songs.

     Despite the lyrics being pretty standard, the song still sounds very good. Which is more than I can say for a lot of rappers. Yeah, there’s a reason why the motherfuckers never loved you, Drake. “Let’s Get It Crackin’” has some nice rock riffs, especially in the chorus. As a huge fan of rap-rock, this certainly put a smile across my spirit face. Plus, even though Deuce is spitting average rap lyrics, they’re still pretty nice.

“All the girlies with the pretty little panties
Turn around, let me smack both them ass cheeks
Throw your cups up if you'll get nasty”

     At least the imagery is good. Nothing unpleasant about spanking chicks who wear pretty little panties. And I love how the song starts. Deuce is all like, “Release the kraken!!!!” It’s pretty badass.

     So the song manages to stand out due to its sound, despite its typical lyrics. But there’s another feature this song has that definitely makes it special. And that thing is a flaming flamer by the name of Jeffree Star.

     Star is featured on this track, and drops the same style of rap that Deuce does. Of course, Star being a man rapping about fucking men, kiiiiinda of adds something very untypical to these otherwise typical lyrics. Also, Star is verrückt. Here’s a chunk of his verse...

“Smackin fags is what I do 
You wanna be me? Ha! What's new?
Spit or lube? You better choose
Bitch, what's a condom? No excuse
My vagina is a petting zoo, only let in ten inch dudes
Just got raped by Drake, baby, why'd you fucked up my hair do?!
I play the boys like a fucken guitar
Lick my ass and surgery scars
I always smash midgets and fucken retards”

     I love this. Like, I love it so much that I wish “gay rap” was its own genre. Star rapping about having gay sex with the same type of fucked up debauchery that other rappers use when describing straight sex just gives Star this hardcore aura of libertine hedonism that few artists are able to achieve. The bad news is that Jeffree Star’s own Musik isn’t that great. Some of his/hers/its songs are pretty good, but he only really kicks ass when he raps, which he only seems to do when he’s featured on someone else’s track. We really need to start a petition to get that nigga to record a rap album.

     There is some irony in having Star gay it up so gayly on a Deuce song, though. After all, in the song "The One," Deuce goes...

“I see the sickness in the signs
Like the sickness in my mind
Homosexuals and liars”

     I can understand using faggot as an insult without actually being homophobic. But when homosexual is an insult to you, you're probably not a fan of the gays. Still, I really don't think he'd be friends, and work with, Star if he was a homophobe. So these lyrics are anyone's guess.

     Anywho, the song is crunk rap with a little something extra that makes it stand out, and the exact same thing can be said for the Video.
     Before I get into this Video, I should mention that it looks incredibly low budget. I wish this didn’t matter, but it really does. A Video’s concept can be super creative, but if it looks bad, you care about it less.
     So most of the Video is Deuce partying with bitches. Average rap stuff. However, these particular bitches are wearing masks, like big Deuce himself. Some of their masks are of monsters, and there’s that fucken freaky horse mask there which the interwebs loves. Most of the bitches are hot, and some are topless, which is alright. Seriously, I’ve been so jaded by an overabundance of sex in the media, my reaction to hot half-naked bitches dancing around is, “I like that they’re wearing masks. Look, it’s that horse thing!” Plus, some of these girls have the type of boobs that look better in a bra than running free.

     There’s also a random black guy in the Video wearing a mask, chillaxing next to Deuce. I have no idea who this guy is, so I’m forced to assume he’s lending his blackness to the Video to give white rapper Deuce some extra street cred. Which should really no longer be a thing, since all the best rappers are white, anyway. That’s right, I said it. Komm auf mich, bro.

     Sowieso, the Video continues like this until we get to Jeffree Star’s verse, which is accompanied by a scene which is awesome/terrible. I really have such mixed feelings about this scene. During Star’s verse, Deuce is sitting on a throne while some of his bitches fight each other, even drawing delicious blood, for Deuce’s amusement. At one point, one of the girls looks into the camera, raises a middle finger, and cocks her head to the side. It’s awesome. And coming from me that’s a lot, because 80% of the times somebody raises a middle finger, it’s lame. It’s just another one of those things that has been done to death, and people who do it usually look like angry little children who just want to be edgy. However, the look in her eyes, the faint smile, the bruises on her face, Star’s lyrics, and the beat all make it a sweet second-long scene. Speaking of which, I talk way too much about scenes that are only a second long.

     So with all that goodness going on, what was wrong with this scene? First, Jeffree Star isn’t in it. Having him on the track, but not in the Video at all, makes the Video look unimportant. It’s like Star was willing to do a verse for the song, but couldn’t be bothered showing up in the Video. Told you the budget matters.
     Deuce even introduces Star on the track by going “Jeffree…” right before Star starts rapping. Nice in the song, not so much in the Video when he doesn’t show up. What makes it even worse is that during Star’s verse, Deuce is mouthing the words. This would be awful under normal circumstances, but what makes it even worse is that… well… you read Star’s lyrics earlier in this review. Deuce comes off like a Schwuler talking about playing “boys like a fucken guitar.” Yes, Jeffree comes off as badass when he says this line, but that’s because he actually is a Schwuler. Jeffree intentionally talking about playing boys is cool. Deuce simply mouthing Star’s lyrics, thus accidentally coming off as gay, is not cool. It’s kinda gay. And yes, I realize I rap along to these lyrics myself. But one, I’m not doing it in a Musik Video. And two, shut up.

     So after this part, we go back to the same things that were happening before. Deuce is rapping next to an unidentified Negro, naked chicks are running around, some guys are playing instruments in one of the rooms, there’s a lot of feathers flying around, and general craziness is being had.

     As we near the end of the Video, we go into the chorus one last time. As soon as that first line of chorus hits, Deuce pulls out a gun and shoots one of his bitches right in the goddamn head. I’ll give you a moment to let that sink in. Yeah, Star’s rap isn’t the only thing that gives this Video something that sets it apart from other “get the party started” Videos. For some fucken reason, Deuce stars headshot'n all of the girls in the Video. The final scene is Deuce standing in the middle of a bunch of corpses, and him ending the scene by shooting the camera. It’s so stupid, yet so freakin’ great. Why the fick does he kill these girls he’s been partying with? It just feels so out of place. And yet… AND YET! It works. Maybe the reason it’s great is because most rap Videos are so boring. And this Video, being your average “guy raps while surrounded by sluts” Video, seems to fall into that boring rap Video category. So when he did something out of left field like this, he ended up breaking the monotony of what we expect coming from a rap Video. Once again, Deuce manages to set himself apart in a genre that is so cookie-cutter dull.

     So there we have it. Deuce’s first real effort as a solo artist was damn good. The Musik was great, and that goes for the whole “Nine Lives” album. As for the Video, I’d rate it as a strong “pretty fun with an even funner ending.” It’s not a great Video by any means. For the most part, there’s not much going on, other than the same shallow party stuff we’ve seen a thousand times. But the imagery is still pretty fun, it’s enjoyable to watch even while looking low budget, and it’s definitely good as far as rap Videos go. And the ending is stupidly wonderful.

     Bonus Fact: Deuce said this song is about how he parties on tour. I’m forced to assume the Video means when he’s ready to go home, he shoots every girl he’s with.

“Titties jiggling up in herrr
We're getting freaky, that's fo’ sure
Drinkin’ that ice cold burrr
I was born to rock this world”